Monesterio de Santa Clara
A Dozen of Eggs To A Fair Weather Saint.
The Cream-colored church is where by tradition, people come with offering(usually eggs) and to pray for good weather. Regarding the traditional offering of eggs. The words "Clara" means "Fair Weather"(particularly during rainy days) and also pertains to the "Puting Itlog" to pray for good weather. So those who want to have clear skies, a clear mind or clear conscience seek her intercession. It's also because the egg white is clear.Most of the Devotees are offer twelve eggs represents the twelve months of fair weather in a year. Right after you pray people usually go to an area where in you will right your prayers on a piece of paper and give it to the nuns who will pray for you, and it also the place to give offer eggs.Going there with my friends praying for guidance felt really good. But going there alone, thanking her for everything felt so peaceful… Yes, you can pray anywhere and any time, but a little effort with the perfect ambiance helps a lot too.